Senior Software Engineer/Manager - Toronto, CAD

With more than twenty years experience as a systems architect, administrator & developer. My responsibilities have included the design and management of geographically diverse installations of varying scale. I have proposed and seen to completion a wide variety of infrastructure projects including the monitoring of systems and networks, data backup and recovery, statistics gathering and reporting and automation. I am often called upon for my ability to provide immediate resolution during mission critical outages and then to perform the subsequent root cause analysis. Regardless of my role, team member, technical lead or project lead, I always have a strong sense of responsibility to deliver projects on time.

  • Programming: Go, Python, Perl, Shell
  • DevOps: Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins, Ansible, Prometheus, GitLab, GitHub
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL/MariaDB/Galera, MongoDB, InfluxDB, Oracle, Teradata, Netezza, SQLServer,
  • Operating Systems: Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Solaris, HPUX, AIX.
  • Monitoring: Prometheus/Grafana, Netsaint/Nagios/Zabbix, NetView, SNMP,
  • Networking: TCP/IP, Apache/nginx, VPN, Firewall, DNS, SMTP (postfix, exim).


Manager II Engineering - Developer Resources and Platforms

ZipRecruiter - August 2023 to Present

  • Created a thrice weekly stand up meeting with engineers to allow quick updates with minimal interruption, pushed for adoption in the wider organization and found success
  • Bi-weekly one on one with peers in other parts of the organization to hear their pain points and provide details on the work my team is doing
  • Report on team progress by leveraging ticketing, one on ones, and generally keeping up with my peers in varied organic ways. Take pride in predicting needs and streamlining process
  • Use information gathered from meetings with peers within the organization to provide better direction to the team
  • Team projects include migration to ArgoCD and Crossplane

Senior Software Engineer II - Site Reliability Engineer

ZipRecruiter - July 2019 to August 2023

  • Migrate from Cluster Autoscaler to Karpenter for Kubernetes cluster scaling
  • lead developer in migration from docker/docker-shim to containerd in kubernetes clusters
  • develop and deploy Kubernetes upgrades including upgrades and migrations of etcd, and etcd-manager, kOps, cert-manager and other cluster tooling.
  • definition and implementation of dynamic developer environments running in Kubernetes
  • Optimization of application image build process
  • Creation of internal CPAN cache for application builds
  • daily operations and maintenance of Kubernetes environments

Senior Software Architect

Colored Blocks - October 2016 to July 2019

On Assignment: All Around the World

  • Participate in migration and building of GitLab CI/CD containerized workflow build automation and testing
  • Application caching architecture and implementation using HA Redis clustering
  • Review and recommend PostgreSQL architecture and performance improvements
  • Create and deploy database change management design based on Sqitch
  • Maintain, deploy and augment Ansible distribution of servers and applications, including a Vagrant and Docker based test cluster
  • Development and deployment of CI strategy with Jenkins and Docker via Ansible
  • Development of application deployment strategies
  • Develop authentication mechanism involving Perl, Catalyst, LDAP, DBIx::Class and Galera.
  • Create and deploy timeseries data collection with InfluxDB solution
  • Develop application integration with Kafka
  • Update, migrate and develop HA solution for PostgreSQL
  • Data extraction from Oracle with ELT logic ending in PostgreSQL Database
  • Migration and upgrade of MongoDB from existing hardware to new
  • AngularJS 1.2 to 1.64 migration, including rewriting controllers to components

On Assignment: SiteSuite WebSite Design

  • Solution and migrate PostgreSQL 9.2 servers to 10.3 in new data centre with minimal downtime
  • Create and deploy PostgreSQL connection pooling via pgpool to provide HA, and reduce application connections to database servers
  • Design and deploy database backup and recovery system
  • Create Ansible deployment and maintenance strategy for data centre migration

My work history before 2016 is available upon request.